Oragroup joins the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

Oragroup, present in 12 countries in West and Central Africa, is committed to the COVID-19 pandemic. The protection of its customers and Its employees are crucial for the pan-African banking group, which has 166 bank branches, 2,263 employees and more than 600,000 customers across the continent. Oragroup is committed to pursuing its economic activity while guaranteeing the best quality of service, in compliance with the health and safety regulations of the 12 countries in which it operates. In order to prevent, protect and inform its customers - individuals and private companies - and its employees, Oragroup has developed its organisation and its way of working. At the global level, the group has agreed to postpone all its future missions, seminars, conferences and training courses in order to protect its staff. The group's General Management is keen to ensure that the optimisation of team travel is strictly observed. Preventive and awareness-raising measures have also been implemented internally since 5 March 2020 to protect Oragroup's agents and customers, by equipping the premises and offices with hydroalcoholic solutions, and by communicating in the field and on social networks on the rules of conduct to be adopted to combat the spread of the virus.

If the measure is not contrary to government regulations, Oragroup also undertakes to equip its agents in contact with customers with masks. Because the extraordinary context requires it, Oragroup’s General Management recommends to its customers to privilege, as far as possible, operations at the ATMs made available. They will be sufficiently supplied throughout the crisis. Remote banking services also offer all the usual Internet functionalities. For any specific needs, Oragroup is available through its account managers.
Because this delicate period can be a source of concern, Oragroup has decided in conjunction with the authorities in each country concerned to keep its branches open, until further notice, to be at the side of its customers and partners. The safety distances recommended by the World Health Organization and all barrier gestures must be respected.
Ferdinand Ngon Kemoum, Chief Executive Officer of Oragroup, said: “Oragroup is closely monitoring the evolution of the pandemic in the 12 countries where it operates and is committed to developing these health and safety measures in line with the recommendations of national and international authorities. This is a difficult period ahead for the African continent, and we have a responsibility to address it by implementing all the necessary measures.
measures needed to contain the pandemic. Oragroup is standing by its customers and agents to mitigate the economic consequences of this potential health crisis as much as possible. Our customers can count on our historical commitment to be “a partner that listens to you”. This is truly the time to show solidarity. »

Read our press release: cp_oragroup_vf_26032020

Read our newsletter: https://www.orabank.net/fr/newsletter-avril-2020